Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Vision of Childhood Resurrected

A Vision of Girlhood Resurrected

Through the eyes of woman peers the disillusioned girl.
She thought to find so much more than life has shown her.
She thought to seek substance greater than earthly wealth.
Her task is monumental but the world’s ways have failed her.
Now imagination becomes dull
and procreation even more obscure…
What did she come to give if not that which she is?
Who shall show her how to look within?
Who shall show her the magical colors of her own Vision?
Who shall teach her to listen to the ecstatic Songs of her own soul?
Who shall teach her that she is the mother of generations?
That she is the lap of creation itself?
Let each of us ask and find her within.
Let each of us be accountable for her resurrection.
Let us declare her free to lift this world to new heights.
Let us find the mother in the eyes of girlhood again.

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