Friday, December 13, 2019

It's Been Waiting For You To Find It

If It's So Obvious Why Don't Things Change?

Our behaviour is for the most part simply on "default" and our attention spans are slowly diminishing with each new shiny distraction on our menu screens.  What we wear, what we eat, what we say, what we watch, what we ignore and what we pay attention to is being steered by circumstances outside of ourselves.  We know this.  Every self-help book is telling us this.  Why is it still such a revolutionary act for us to really think, do and have what we really want?  Why isn't the whole world asking much better questions about who we are and where we really want to go?
This question permeates everything. 
 The question becomes a quest.
 Each of us must enter into the spirit of this quest and discover the answers in our own Being.
 Theory can only take us so far.

True experience allows us to enter into the real revolution.

We are each a focal point in a Great Consciousness with access to everywhere and everywhen,
 yet we allow ourselves to be molded, shaped, managed, herded into our identities.

No one can tell you who you are or why you are here.  That's your journey.

I promise you though, when you begin to look and dscover deeper levels of Being,
 you will nod your head and smile and see what was there all along but you will know it for the first time... again.

I can't explain it to you.
You must experience this for yourself.

The secret is out there waiting for you to find it.

It's as close as your next breath.

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