Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"It is in Giving We Receive"...

“Glory Unto Those Who Have Realized Their Own Nature.  May Their Blessings Be On Us All.” – Swami Vivekananda

Your Song releases me.
Waves and splashes of music gush forth.
My fear washes away.
What is there to lose?
In the end there is only Love.
We return to that Holy state
which was never a physical place.
Love offers everything.
Sacrifices everything.
Endures everything.
Returns everything.
Creates everything.
Celebrates everything.
Dissolves everything.
Embraces everything.
Releases everything.
Redeems everything.
Love never fails.
I Am Love’s creation.
In Love’s Grace
my freedom is made perfect.
In Your Song this Joy overflows.
©Ganga Fondan, 2013

Blog Entry: February 13, 2013
In one of my journals I found a beautiful quote by Swami Vivekananda:
Nature's task is done, this unselfish task which our sweet nurse, nature, had imposed upon herself.  She gently took the self-forgetting soul by the hand, as it were, and showed him all the experiences in the universe, all manifestations, bringing him higher and higher through various bodies, till his lost glory came back, and he remembered his own nature.  Then the kind mother went back the same way she came, for others who also have lost their way in the trackless desert of life.  And thus is she working, without beginning and without end.  And thus through pleasure and pain, through good and evil, the infinite river of souls is flowing into the ocean of perfection, of Self-Realization.
Glory to those who have realized their own nature.  May their blessings be on us all!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"In Your Body is That Garden" - Kabir

Hope's Garden: "Faith Is the Substance of Things Imaged... The Evidence of Things Not Seen."- Hebrews 11:1

Journal Entry February 6, 2013

There are no words of comfort when a loved one is hurting, only gentle sounds, tender understanding and a feeling of supporting.  Such tremendous losses we go through in this life.  How do we navigate through the notions of helplessness, the fear of loneliness and the tremendous avoidance of wanting to feel pain in the first place?  Many years ago my Teacher said these words:

You can not solve a problem at the same level it comes to you.  You have to go higher."

I had no idea at the time what that really meant.  Go higher how?  Once, a few years ago, I sat in a plane and watched the world below me become smaller and smaller.  Is this what it meant to go higher and see a bigger perspective?  I've read too many stories of war and loss.  I've heard endless sagas of loss to disease and illness.  How do we solve these at a higher level?

Halfway through a conversation last night, it dawned on me that what it means is to see at a higher level.  Every day, in every moment, Consciousness permeates in and around us.  It is the substance of all things.  My Consciousness creates and therefore, we are always surrounded by and in a state of constant Creation.  I've seen it in my life over and over.  Always, new and challenging people, events, places have appeared in my life.  Why?  How? A few days ago, I met someone who had actually experienced events that I was reading about in a book.  "Going higher" means to see beyond what the senses are telling me is real. 

In a world where so many people feel anxious about things that we are told may happen, we forget there is another Source to draw from.  We experience this connection in unique and powerful ways.  Where does hope come from?  Where do we find the trust to let go of the moment and allow the garden of our Consciousness to fulfill our deepest desires?  A great poet once said:

"Do not go to the garden of flowers, oh friend, go not there.
In your body is the garden of flowers..." - Kabir

In that Garden, life flourishes and offers an endless supply.  There is Joy.  Friendship. Plenty. Unity.  When someone feels the pain of loss, there is a comfort  I have always found in the words:

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not Want." - Psalm 23

Any great man or woman who has overcome tremendous obstacles has cried out to that great Mystery of Creation and found solace in ways only their own heart can comprehend.  Each of us reaches in a unique way.  Our asking is a part of the shaping of this Garden of Life.  It is a place of reaching higher beyond the challenges of this world.  It holds the key for new solutions.  It vibrates within each of us ready to take shape.