Monday, April 18, 2022

Only Your Story Can Set You Free


Your childheart came here to to write a story
The one you are meant to live
With all its cast of characters and dramatic unfoldings
Romances, heartbreaks, adventures,
Triumphs and tragedies
Heroism and horrors,
We choose such a variety of themes

Beware the greater narrative
Which contains the multitude in Itself
Where we can lose ourselves
Pay too much attention
Get sucked into the plotlines of others
Become unwitting extras
Extracted from our own Imagination

Incentivized with fame and fortune
Lured into ambitious participation
The mind is relinquished for a shiny prize
As the heart is denied again and again
The storyteller is slowly poisoned
Into submission away from the one true purpose
To be the designer of Its own destiny

Zombie- like compliance activates massive herding
Confusion coaxes obedience through lies
Storylines are smashed apart and rerouted
Comfort and order become cages of refuge
The few monopolize the ignorant many
Darkness and fear breed distrust
Hopelessness spreads its false inevitability

But always travelling in that glorious night sky
Filled with the blaze of a million suns
Your star waits to lead you home
Re-activate the inner creative urge
Resusitate that inner playful child
Eager to pour out with epic proportion
While staying true to the undying quest:

“Know Thyself”

GF April 18, 2022